Query Coaching

Ready to throw down a new query or proposal? (Or maybe you’re freaking out about the cover copy for your next indie novel? I can help with that, too.)

This little package is for those of you who have a completed project that you’re about to jettison into the market.

I was asked to offer this by multiple writers I know. It’s more than just a critique. It’s a conversation about your pitch and sample pages. I really like playing with a sales pitch, and helping someone else develop their query letter or back cover copy is 100% more fun than doing your own. Am I right?

You’ll send me:

*a draft of your query letter or cover copy
*the first 10 pages of your novel OR a synopsis up to 10 pages

You’ll receive:

*a written assessment of what I see as strengths and opportunities for improvement
*a one-hour writing strategy call
*a second read of your revision and a brief emailed response highlighting both progress and items that need more work
*additional pages, assessments, or calls available for more intense revisions at a very special existing client rate

Cost: $90

FMI or to book: SCHEDULE A DISCOVERY CALL so we can talk about your project and make sure I’m familiar with your genre.