Soul Sessions

Soul Sessions are my Tarot Coaching offering. These sessions focus around your spiritual growth as writer. I bring my entire toolkit of coaching methods, Tarot and Oracle cards, and energy healing modalities to help make the most of our work together.

A few Soul Session topics:

Clarifying Your Soul Purpose
Overcoming Scarcity Consciousness
Karmic and Soulmate Relationships
Law of Attraction Manifestation

Each Soul Session is as unique as you and your spiritual journey are.

How a Soul Session Works

We’ll begin your session with a conversation. You tell me what’s on your mind and why you booked a session with me. This conversation provides a container for our work together that gives me a more complete picture of what you’re asking for help with, where your power actually lies, and how I might best assist you in getting there. For those of you already on a spiritual journey, we can talk in terms of Rising Consciousness, Hermetic Principles, and Law of Attraction. If this is all new to you, I’ll try to put it into terms you already know.

While we talk, I’ll connect to my spirit guides and draw Tarot or Oracle cards to help you gain clarity. We’ll use cards to direct our conversation, helping you to uncover hidden obstacles, connect to your own inner guidance, and see what is locked within your untapped potential.

We’ll wrap up the call with more coaching on how you can best move forward with what we’ve talked about.

Energy Work Follow-up

If you desire, I may follow our session up with some complementary distance energy work to help you release resistance, clear stuck energy, and move forward on your spiritual path. I’m a Reiki Master Teacher, and my energy work combines Reiki with shamanic and magical practices. If you prefer traditional Usui Reiki only, I’m happy to oblige.

Usui Reiki - traditional Reiki modality utilizing symbols and crystals
Kundalini Reiki - this is a Reiki modality that focuses healing into the first three chakras, very grounding
Ethereal Crystal Reiki - this is a Reiki modality that focuses crystal healing into your etheric body
Candle Magic - I use colored candles to match the intention of the energy work or the chakra in need of attunement
Crystal Healing - intuitively and intentionally selected crystals that align with our soul session
Power Animal Retrieval - sometimes an animal will show itself to me during Reiki or other energy work, if this happens, I will let you know
Etheric Surgery - I gently extract energies that remain from experiences you are completely done learning from
Cord Cutting - if you would like a cord cutting to energetically end a hurtful relationship, please ask for one, I don’t do these without consent
Karmic Release - this will have come up in our session if I think it will help
Block Buster - some blocks are stubborn and you need a little magical kick to move them out of the way

All energy work is done distantly after our call. I create sacred space and anchor your energy work with a focal point consisting of a small spread of cards, candles, crystals, charms, herbs, or other intuitively selected tools. I will send you a photo of this energy working when it is done.


This is for you if you have a single question you want to explore. We’ll check in on your energetic alignment, identify blockages and challenges that surround you, and attune your vibe to where you want to go.

3 soul SESSIONS $450

Recommended for more complex questions or for working toward your long-term goals. Schedule one session per month (or once a quarter) to clear out stagnant energy and get you in alignment with more of what you want to create and call in.

To book, schedule a free discovery call. a coaching agreement is requireD.

What to expect from a Discovery Call: This is a 25-minute call that allows you to meet me and ask any questions you might have. It also helps me gather what information I need to begin our work together. If you decide I’m not the right coach for you, no worries. I want the best for you.

*This is not a Tarot reading where the cards will tell you exactly what to do. This is a coaching session where we will use the Tarot as our guide. I believe strongly in free will and personal responsibility. While Tarot is an excellent intuitive tool for personal growth, it can be disempowering if we become dependent on it and use it to replace our inner guidance. We are responsible for our own choices and our destiny is not set in stone. Our session should empower you to make the most of the choices and strengths that you have, tapping you into your higher self.

*As with all energy work, I can not guarantee a specific result. You may skip this part of the session or request distance Reiki if that’s your preference. Just let me know.