Three Craft Books I Recommend Most as a Writing Coach

Three Craft Books I Recommend Most as  Writing Coach.png

Something that always comes up when writers are talking is craft books. Some writers use them as a reference book, while other writers devour them looking for the secret formula for telling a great story. There is really no right and wrong way to use a craft book. There is only how YOU use it. Or how someone else uses it. Because craft books are just another tool or resource for learning how to write, right up there with reading closely, taking classes, coaching, talking about writing with other writers, and…well…just writing.

I have a confession to make

I never took a single creative writing class before I went to graduate school. I was one of those kids that was writing stories as soon as I could hold a pencil. And while I don’t think that makes me any better at writing than someone who has applied themselves to their learning, it does mean that I don’t have many writing books. Since graduate school, I’ve bought quite a few since there was required reading to get my degree. I still don’t rely too heavily on them. So when a friend or client asks me what writing books I recommend, it’s a pretty short list for me.

In the video below, I share my top three favorite craft books.

I also share a little bit about how I use them since I’m a pantser and I honestly don’t plan my plots or character arcs very much. I usually start with a crisp clear horrifying image that aligns with the black moment of the story. And then I wait for the main character to start “talking to me” before I start writing. I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time, except taking this person from their disempowered voice at the beginning of the story to that image which I just know will set them free. I trust the process and myself, and that’s what mostly what I teach. But these three books have significantly helped me along my journey to understanding WHY certain things feel satisfying to a reader and how to fix my trouble spots. I trust them as solid resources.

If you’re interested, please watch the video! Tell me in the comments what craft books you love and how it helped you!

While you’re at it, won’t you please subscribe to my YouTube channel? I’ll be posting lots more videos about everything writing, creative empowerment, and spiritual growth.

Checking out your keeper shelf,