Creative Abundance: Living Beyond Scarcity Mentality

I'm not all about hurrying summer to be over, but how is it August already?

You all know I do my best to keep things practical unless someone has specifically asked me for spiritual coaching, but August always brings home the practical/spiritual connection for me.

In the wheel of the year, a name given to the yearly cycle of nature, we honor the first day of August as a holiday called Lammas. It marks the first harvest, the time when all the fruits of our efforts begin to ripen or show promise. And also, not incidentally, it's the time when a crop (or intention) we've planted might be showing signs that this year it's not happening.

In July, a bunch of my clients witnessed this shift with the writing project they're working on. Some of them had to make the difficult decision to put a project on hold and channel their energy into something that was more "ripe" or ready. While others (like me) had the experience of returning to their intentions after an unintended dry spell (of being sick or having a family crisis) only to discover that their interest had waned or that they had grown (in a month!) and no longer wanted to pursue a certain project at all.

These are normal experiences for us! Quitting isn't always bad. It's actually good for you sometimes. And Lammas is the time to honor that sacred knowing within us about which projects to pursue and which to allow to die on the proverbial vine. (At least for now. You can always replant that seed next cycle!) The important part of knowing when to quit is that you get to reclaim that energy and channel it into something else that has more potential.

In keeping with honoring the harvest, CREATIVE ABUNDANCE is what we're talking about all August in Tapestry, my summer class on creative living. It takes a certain mindset, a certain confidence, to trust that all things have their season and that we can trust in their ebb and flow. When we lack this mindset or inner knowing it's called scarcity mentality, and engaging a scarcity mentality makes life (and our creative pursuits) feel really really hard.

Join me this Thursday, August 4 at 7PM Eastern Time for a talk about The Myth of the Starving Artist. I’ve blogged about this powerful myth before, and this Thursday, we'll go over what it is, how we perpetuate it, and how it's OUR duty as creatives to begin to retell this powerful myth from the inside out so that more creatives can learn to thrive.

This month's classes are 100% practical, but they will ALSO be excellent for anyone who is interested in manifestation and magic. A lot of writers are using magic to help them in their journey. I'm for it! But please don't just dabble. If you want your magic to work better and faster without unintended consequences, you absolutely need this empowered mindset around abundance. You need it for drawing and maintaining flow of money AND opportunities.

Also in this series on Creative Abundance, we’ll talk about:

  • Staying Confident in a Creative Landscape of Doom Scrolling and Toxic Positivity

  • Quitting Your Day Job (or Not!)

  • The Importance of Balance Between Surrender and Inspired Action

Interested in joining me? Click below to learn more and register.

For just the Creative Abundance series, choose August Only.

If you choose the entire summer, you will receive THIS series of classes AND access to all the recordings from this summer.