How to Create an Abundance Altar


Do you have an abundance altar? ⁣

⁣Mine is dedicated to abundance through creativity. Offerings are guided and inspired by deity, in the moment. ⁣

⁣The color orange is prominent. Orange resonates with the sacral chakra, the seat of creativity, money, and sexual desire. These energies are divinely intertwined and having issues with one or the other can signify a “blockage” or resistance in that chakra. Firing up the sacral chakra and tending to it brings a flow of these energies into your life. ⁣

⁣Citrine and Quartz are also present. Citrine aligns with and activates the solar plexus chakra, which is the seat of your self-esteem and will. (Together, the sacral and solar plexus chakras are your confidence powerhouse. I always work them together.)⁣

⁣The beeswax candle is anointed with a ritual oil that I use for work and business. A candle snuffer allows me to put out my candle without blowing it out before I’m “done” working it.⁣

(The red rose petals are from a past offering to tie two areas of my life together, keeping me connected to my heart of hearts always. These would not “belong” on just anyone’s abundance altar, but they are significant on mine.)⁣

⁣The abundance bowl contains carefully selected items that represent abundance and the confidence required to be a good steward of that abundance. Mine contains cash and coin; crystals such as Pyrite, Citrine, and Tiger’s Eye; orange peel, bay leaf, cinnamon, and saffron; and a petition about my intentions for how I will use what flows toward me. ⁣

⁣The secret to tending an abundance altar/bowl is exchange and flow. You must offer, serve, give in order to receive. Tend the bowl by dusting it and it’s contents regularly. Tend the flowers and change them out when they die. Offer new gifts as you feel guided. Remove offerings that wither or no longer make sense for your intentions. Save money in the bowl or on the altar and spend it on things that support your intentions.⁣

⁣When you receive, give thanks with more offerings. ⁣

So, tell me in the comments. Do you have an abundance altar? Did this inspire you to build one? Let me know! I would love to know what offerings you put on yours and what they means to you! Even better yet, post a picture on Instagram and tag me in it. Add me while you’re over there.

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Wishing you an abundance of story ideas, helpful writing friends, and book sales,